Just You and Me, Kid

Just You and Me, Kid is a 1979 comedy film starring George Burns, Brooke Shields, Lorraine Gary, Ray Bolger, Leon Ames, Carl Ballantine, Keye Luke and Burl Ives. It was directed by Leonard B. Stern and was released in July 1979 by Columbia Pictures. It is rated PG for brief nudity and adult language.

Bill tries to get Kate to tell him whats going on, but she avoids all his questions. Instead of going to the police, he allows her to take shelter in his home, allowing her to choose some of his clothes to wear and even altering them so they fit her better. Kate refuses to answer any of his questions, and she attempts to escape Bills house by dropping out of an upstairs window, spraining her ankle in the process. This attracts the attention of Bills neighbors, Stan John Schuck and Sue Andrea Howard, a nosy couple who try to figure out who the strange girl is at Bills house.Bill goes to visit his friend Max Burl Ives, who is a resident of a nursing home. Max apparently lived with Bill before being confined to the facility due to his despondent condition Max has retreated into his mind and hasnt spoken a word in years, refusing to react to external stimulus. Bill still makes a habit of visiting him daily, cheerfully telling him about everything thats going on. He tells Max about Kate, saying that he feels as if he has to help her, although he doesnt know how. Later, Bill also receives a visit from his daughter, Shirl Lorraine Gary and her husband, Harris Nicolas Coster. Shirl feels Bill is becoming senile and she tries to get him to sign a document that will give Shirl control over his bank account when Bill refuses, Shirl becomes furious, complaining that Bill is giving away all of his money, but Bill angrily rebuffs her. ........

Source: Wikipedia